WHO Poll

Lee Trundle 11:38 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
The person who created this thread is a mod.

He's the one who Pickled runs to when he grasses.

Manuel 11:37 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Mad Dog is, not sure who else. One Mac was, I think.

Lee Trundle 11:37 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Lee Trundle 11:29 Mon Nov 15
*It's pretty much UNusable if there's a game on due to the delay in reloading pages or posting.

Coffee 11:36 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
WHO is an excellent site and massively tolerant. Perhaps too tolerant for the times we live in? But it's lost too many posters in recent years. Why?

I don't think it's because of the crap speed, particularly as Mr Trundle rightly says during games. Most people put up with that and would rather have the opportunity to be effin and blinding without getting kicked off.

So why are we losing people?

Block 11:36 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Rios, who are the mods on here now days?

I only know of Defjam now.

riosleftsock 11:35 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!

I have already done exactly that (not building the site, just reserving the url and paying for it).

If anybody wants to do the site build, in case there is a problem on here, just let me know. Obviously, nothing would be done without the consent of the current mods/gatekeepers.

Lee Trundle 11:29 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
It's pretty much useable if there's a game on due to the delay in reloading pages or posting.

Which kind of makes it unfit for purpose if it's a football forum.

BRANDED 10:55 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
One solution is to build a new site with a new url

Lets say


In a lovely shiny new server that functions.

Then you migrate everyone over

Unlikely I agree but simple enough


wd40 10:53 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
It's like a decent pub

Any big persnal slagging off threads the only ones reading are them who are posting on it, they are just like the bores in the corner of the bar.

It ticks over well.

marlonsrightsock 10:22 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Hammer Oz 6:50 Mon Nov 15 you come across as a typical attention seeker, you say this site is a "money making exercise" it may have escaped your attention but it hasn't run any ads for years, mainly due to wetwipes like you moaning so the guy that runs it has stumped up thousands since then so cunts like you can write shit for gratis

Glad you're off to be fair

Mace66 10:11 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
That’s the way to do it Mex

There’s about half a dozen usernames that I naturally filter out and have idea what they post now but I know it’ll be shit

Mex Martillo 8:10 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
I ignore certain posters and generally only open football threads and find that WHO is fine. Still enjoy coming on nearly every day.
Long live WHO

Pentonville 7:09 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Hammers Oz
It's also built a lot of friendships away from the site, started though the site, its raised money for people in shit and saved a few lives along they way. It's lost a few participants who, through the site (aside from their family), have their memory kept alive.
I've never interacted with you in the 21 years I've been coming on and feel this site probably isn't for you.
I don't know why, as someone who says themselves they don't come on here or like it, you feel the need to post such negativity.
Maybe you been in OZ too long and enjoy being the outsider in a group?
I suggest you log out and leave us sad sacks to get on with life. Dont let this site rile you too much mate. It isn't worth it.

Hammer Oz 6:50 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Totally agree, like when fanzines were there for the fans it was funny, then it got taken over and was a money making exercise

Same as Podcasts, you can't move for people wanting money for doing something that was a hobby now is suddenly a money making exercise

WHO was good with Anons, then it became up its own arse

Alfs 3:55 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
It does seem to be dying a slow and sad death. It's a great shame as it was once a cracking site that's deteriorated into a forum of bickering, bitter, late middle aged men.

There are still a few gems about, such has Charley F and Irish who stick to posting about WHU and don't get involved with slagging others off.

It needs reinventing, modernising, which would mean building a new platform. Between us, we have the skills to do that but someone needs to oversee that, though I can't see who would want the responsibility.

Hammer Oz 3:32 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Sorry should add, this isn't an airport you don't need to announce departures :)

'Mod on WHO' oooooooooooooooooooohhhh

Do you have that on your resume?

As I say I will be back when I feel like it

Hammer Oz 3:29 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Ohhh please don't ban me, how can I live knowing WHO doesn't value me............

Get a life sad sack :)

Been on here for years, I will pop back up when I feel like and get you trained idiots to ban me when I FEEL like it :)

Its 'bye' also not 'buy'

Fucking idiot

Pee Wee 1:35 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
I hope the site continues, it seems to be such a big part of a lot of your lives, although I think most of you are a bunch of freaks, I genuinely worry about you if this was taken away.

Cabbage Savage 1:16 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Hammer Oz 12:47 Mon Nov 15

Im mod since 2019.

your ban will start at 9am tomorrw

good buy

Hammer Oz 12:47 Mon Nov 15
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Do I want to pay for this? No way

The idea of putting my hand in my pocket for a group of 5-6 people to lord it over every one, allowing certain posters to spam up the pages (we all know who we mean)
When anyone pops their heads up and mentions it the Overlords gather together and try and bully you down...

Pay???? ermmmmm No

Bothered if it dies a death??????? Ermm No

WHO is like Fanzines, started off great but ended up full of self important bully boys who think that what they do is actually important.

Oooooohhh I am a MOD on WHO.... 99.9999999% of people wouldn't have the slightest clue what the fuck you are on about.

Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out lads :)

Arko 10:32 Sun Nov 14
Re: Let's save WHO !!!
Has this issue been sorted or is there still a mystery owner paying for the site ?

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